C o n c e n t r i c   D o t s

“Chris Mugford is a video pro. He understands the power of emotional connection. I used him for my video, and it was one of my best business decisions. He's simply brilliant at what he does. I'm happy to tell you more about the benefits of working with Chris if you want to connect via my website or LinkedIn.” Stephen Bateman, owner, Concentric Dots


R o d d a ’ s

“Wow – we are really pleased – they look fabulous. Once again thank you for all your hard work so far. Just a little update – it has now been presented to a large number of people who have  without exception being incredibly positive. The food buyer at John Lewis saw it yesterday and was immediately really engaged. Fantastic stuff.”Belinda Shipp, Marketing Manager, AE Rodda & Son


N C I  T e c h n o l o g i e s

“After meeting chrismugford.com, we immediately saw the potential in video.  From the first project plans through to delivery you and your team delivered exceptional quality material. You have gone out of your way to ensure we got what we wanted and would be very happy to offer any testimonials for your company.” Andy Trish, Director, NCI Technologies


S t. J o s e p h ’ s

“The video has had a huge impact on our business. The whole process from the initial concept, through the filming and editing process, was highly professional and the result more than fulfilled the brief – we were delighted with the finished product and have now commissioned the company to begin our second video. St Joseph’s School can recommend you without reservation.” Sue Rowe, Headmistress St.Joseph’s School

St Joseph's

E x p o r t  S a v v y   f o r   U K T I

“Delivered as promised - You are a pleasure to work with. Many thanks for all of your efforts - you have made a significant contribution to our progress this year.” David Bone, MD, Learning Impact

Export Savvy

P r e m i e r   C o t t a g e s

“the end result was brilliant and I know from direct feedback that it has already paid for itself…[in just two weeks]. ITV decided to feature Colehouse on their "this morning" programme. One of the main reason they chose us I understand was the quality of your video, so again a very big thanks to you. My pleasure for the testimonial, totally honest and deserved. We look forward to working with you again.” Gavin Jackson, Premier Cottages

Premier Cottages

H e a t h f i e l d   S c h o o l

“Jo has found it very moving and emotional…” Shona Lloyd, Head of Marketing, Heathfield School “The new school video looks fantastic and we are getting some great feedback.” Liz Ivens, Dir. of Communications, Heathfield School “I am absolutely delighted with our new school video. You managed to really encapsulate the heart of Heathfield and created something very special which shows our uniqueness as a school.” Jo Heywood, Headmistress, Heathfield School

Heathfield School

R o w e ’ s

“I have just looked at the video again and it gets better and better and better. Absolutely brilliant. Thanks to all involved. Bill and Phyllis (Rowe’s founders) would be very proud of how you have portrayed their business.”  Alan H Pearce, Chairman and NPD Director, WC Rowe “It’s been very refreshing working with Chris on this project.  From the outset, he grasped what we were trying to achieve and the creative execution has superseded all our expectations.  Fantastic job.” Libby Ball,  Marketing Manager, WC Rowe


G o d s t o w e   S c h o o l

“We LOVED it. Thank you for all your hard work. The overall impression of the film is great and it has a wonderful feel to it. We showed the video to all of the staff today, on the big screen. Everyone absolutely loved it – some were nearly in tears.” Georgie May, Communications and PR Officer

Godstowe School


“I am able to confirm that I am more than happy with the final film – In fact I want to congratulate you and express my huge admiration for what you have done – I think it is absolutely brilliant and I am not surprised that ISBA are delighted with the result. I hope that our paths cross again soon.” Paddy Burrows, Bursar, Bradfield College


T h e  C l e a r i n g  S p a

“The production was quite superb…quite literally breath-taking. It is now one of our most important and powerful sales and marketing tools. Your ability to perceive our key messages, and your artistry in portraying them so beautifully, created a production that stands head and shoulders above any other promotional video I have seen, and by so doing, can’t fail but to elevate the subject matter to a similar status.” Richard Whitehouse, MD The Cornwall Hotel

The Clearing

P o r t f o l i o   D e v e l o p m e n t s

“Thank you for the very detailed and immensely helpful advice. Thank you for taking such trouble and being so helpful” Sian Scott, Portfolio Developments

Portfolio Developments

S t. A u s t e l l   B r e w e r y

“Looks great – particularly like the appetising shots of the beer and food. Thank you for your hard work on this.” Jeremy Mitchell, Marketing Director, St.Austell Brewery

St Austell Brewery

T h e   C o r n w a l l   H o t e l

“Thank you for your efforts in producing all 3 videos, we have a stunning collection which should serve us well for many years ahead.” Mark Rudrum, CEO Rudrum Holdings

The Cornwall Hotel

F o o d   M o n t a g e

“I find the quality of his work excellent. He is ex London TV commercials and he operates and does everything to that standard. Very detail oriented and great looking results. Lynn File, Director, Brand Innovation

Food Montage

F o o d   a n d   D r i n k   f r o m   C o r n w a l l

“It’s fabulous Chris!! THANK YOU! Finally got a minute to watch it – I think it’s great.” Ruth Huxley, Cornwall Food and Drink

Food and Drink

P a r k s i d e   S c h o o l

“It was AMAZING - everyone loves it and I posted it on Twitter/FB and we received huge response. It has been a fabulous experience working with you and I have really enjoyed being part of this process.” Gabriele Richardson, Marketing Manager, Parkside School
“I know that Gabs was writing you a reference earlier today. I just want to say how pleased we are with the film.”Mark Beach, Headmaster, Parkside School
A massive response from across the Independent School Sector:
“Great piece of marketing Chris, love it” Jo Heywood, Headmistress, St.Gabriel’s School Newbury
“It’s terrific, Chris. Clever. Sets a standard for other schools to reach now, I think.” Peter Fisher, former Headmaster, Grace Dieu Manor School, Leicester
“Breathtakingly original.” Richard Murray, Head of School, Windsor Prep School
“When it comes to storytelling this is one of the most creative school videos I've seen for a long time.” Adrian Brown, Director, MySchool Portal at MSO Digital

Parkside School

A b i n g d o n   S c h o o l

“The film has been extremely well received by a diverse range of audiences and we are very pleased with the feedback. At open day there was even a spontaneous round of applause!” Jane Warne, Abingdon School Communications Manager

Abingdon School

P e r c u s s i o n   P l a y

“Client feedback has been very positive. We are confident that our investment will be returned many times over.” Robin Ashfield, Director, Percussion Play

M u T u   S y s t e m

“Thank you - we all really love this and it has evoked all the exact emotions we wanted - it gets better with every viewing 🙂 I bloody love it :)” Wendy Powell, CEO, MuTu System

Perccusion Play

M u T u   S y s t e m

“Thank you - we all really love this and it has evoked all the exact emotions we wanted - it gets better with every viewing 🙂 I bloody love it :)” Wendy Powell, CEO, MuTu System

MuTu System



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e m a i l   i n f o @ c h r i s m u g f o r d . c o m


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