What’s the secret to producing the most powerful online video content? Emotion. We are leaders in the use of emotional intelligence in video content, which is why we’ve spoken at seminars alongside Google and Microsoft.
Branded video content is most powerful when it’s beautifully thought-through and beautifully crafted. That’s the key to making moving images sell. From all our years working in advertising and broadcast media, we’ve learned that films need to strike at the emotional heart of your viewers to really work. Video is not the place for rational argument. It is the means by which strong, favourable first impressions about your brand, your business, your organisation are created. Read more
game-changing video content
“The video has had a huge impact on our business.” “I know from direct feedback that it has already paid for itself - and in just two weeks.” “I used Chris’ team for my video, and it was one of my best business decisions.”
All of the work on this website has been awarded to us by clients without any competition. In fact, we’re only ever asked to pitch for projects by people who haven’t bothered to look at our work. Pitching is something we politely refuse to do. So do what our other clients have done. Grab a coffee. Watch some of our films. And see how emotion can be transformed into hard-sell.
emotive video content
“I thought it was brilliant. I got goosebumps......” “It's very moving and emotional..." "Everyone absolutely loved it – some people were nearly in tears!” “This is brilliant! EXACTLY how to stand out from all the other boring rubbish people do.” “The food buyer at John Lewis saw our video yesterday and was immediately really engaged.” “Wonderful, wonderful…” “This looks fantastic, it’s brilliant!” “Absolutely brilliant…” “Simply brilliant” “Fantastic job” “Quite literally breath-taking” “I bloody love it :)” Read more client endorsements
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e m a i l i n f o @ c h r i s m u g f o r d . c o m
c h r i s m u g f o r d . c o m | L o n d o n : 7 8 Y o r k S t r e e t , L o n d o n W 1 H 1 D P | U K s t u d i o s : T r e h a r b a s , L a n t e g l o s , C a m e l f o r d P L 3 2 9 U T
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